Atomic and Nuclear Tools – 2017

Data , constants and calculational tools


Fundamental Constants

Table of isotopes

Chart of Nuclides,decay data

NUDAT 2.7β

Gamma Energies, radiations…

Table of isotopes


Gamma energy search from TORI database in Lund

Attenuation of gamma- and



Stopping of charged particles

astar, estar og pstar !


Isotopic masses and abundance

NIST: Atomic Weights and Isotopic Compositions of the Elements

The periodic table


The periodic table from Royal Society of Chemistry

Q-value calculator

Q-value Calculator (QCalc) from Brookhaven


IAEA Nuclear data Portal

XFOR, Neutron Data, etc..  Everything nuclear is here


IAEA Medical Cross sections database

IAEA-Medical, with yields !

Danish Regulations

   In Danish

Statens Institut for Strålebeskyttelse   Many data sheets, rules and links


Chemical information


Electron level data